CQC Inspection
A mock CQC type audit visit aims to give you, as the manager/provider of a service the most up to date picture of compliance and an opinion of a CQC rating based on the evidence gathered as part of a day site visit.
Audit visits take place in a similar fashion to a CQC inspection however, we consult with every provider and agree the format and style of the audit based on specific requirements. So that you can get the most out of this service assessment we begin the day by making a plan of when staff/visitors etc are available to talk to and it is useful to have as much information to hand as possible to evidence your compliance with the KLOE’s and HSCA Regulatory requirements.
​Visits can be announced or unannounced and all reports are internally quality checked and sent out within 10 working days.
​Potential breaches in regulations are identified (based on the evidence identified on the day of the visit), areas for improvement and ideas to work on to progress to outstanding are reported and action planning is put in place where necessary.
What we look at...
We will look at the following 5 areas:
Well Led
Mock CQC Inspection Visit
You will receive a full day onsite audit visit by an experienced consultant in your specific area of service provision. We will be covering all Fundamental Standards relating to the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
What you get from the visit:
A Full Audit Report covering the 5 key questions. Is the service Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well Led.
An action plan based on the compliance judgements of your visiting consultant
​If you are interested in this service, please give us a call to arrange a booking. Alternatively, you can get in touch via our contact form below